Moto Z

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Winter Motorcycle Storage in Buffalo, NY

Buffalo has already received its first big snow of the season. If you haven’t put your bike up for the winter yet, now is definitely the time. We all dread this time of year when we have to put our bikes away for a few months, but we know how important it is to properly treat our motorcycles for winter storage. At Moto Z, we offer winter motorcycle storage at our facility, but finding a location to keep your bike is only half the battle. There’s a lot of care that needs to go into your bike to ensure it’ll survive its hibernation and be ready to go come spring. Here’s a list of 5 key things to remember when preparing your motorcycle for winter.

1. Change Your Fluids

One of the first things you’re going to want to do is check all your fluids. Refill or replace all brake fluid, coolant, and motor oil as needed. This is an important step to help prevent interior moisture buildup, which is quite common with the cold winter air.

2. Top Off the Tank

Next, you’ll need to add fresh fuel to the tank before storing. Add a stabilizer to prevent the gas from deteriorating over the months it’s not running. Afterward, run the bike for a short time to allow the stabilizer to make its way through your entire fuel system.

3. Check the Battery

Batteries, especially on newer bikes, tend to drain when not in use. It’s a good idea to remove the battery and put it on a trickle charger. Alternatively, you can keep an eye on it and give it a full charge once a month. After all, the last thing you’ll want to do is have to replace your battery come spring.

4. Rust Prevention

Winter in Buffalo, NY is always cold and wet from all the snow. This is bad news for motorcycles even if they’re being stored in a shed or garage. To prevent any rust or other damage from moisture in the air, you should take time to add lube to all external moving parts prior to storage.

5. Tire Maintenance

Last but not least, you want to keep an eye on your tires. Sitting around for months in one place can cause tires to develop flat spots. Put your bike up on stands if you have them, and if you don’t, try rotating your tires regularly to even out the stress to different areas.

These five tasks are the main chores to get done before your motorcycle goes into winter storage, but there are more things you can do just to be safe. Check out our full winter motorcycle storage checklist here to make sure your bike is ready. If you’re having trouble finding a good spot to store your bike this winter, come down to Moto Z. We’ll help you get everything taken care of and will provide heated and secure storage during these dreary winter months.