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Furygan Clothing | The Best in the Business

If you’re a motorcycle enthusiast like us, you know that riding a motorcycle is different from any other form of transportation. Your body being exposed directly to the elements increases both the thrill and satisfaction of a ride, which is why we all love it. However, this exposure increases the danger as well. At Moto Z we’re extremely concerned about motorcycle safety, which is why we’re the only U.S. based company to stock Furygan apparel; one of the industry leaders in motorcycle safety clothing. When it comes to protecting your body in the event of an accident, people like to dwell on the importance of a helmet, but realistically all of your riding gear works together to keep you safe. Here’s a quick overview of some Furygan apparel that just might save your life someday.

Furygan Jacket

The first thing you think of when it comes to riding apparel is likely the motorcycle jacket. Furygan motorcycle jackets are much more than just aesthetically pleasing clothing. They’re designed intentionally for safety and comfort. Furygan jackets come in various styles, such as race jackets and the more traditional vintage leather jacket, but they also come with added safety features. Extra D30 armor padding around the elbows and shoulder areas will make you less likely to sustain a serious injury.

Furygan Motorcycle Gloves

Your first instinct when in a motorcycle accident, especially if you’re a new rider, is going to be to want brace for the fall with your hand. Obviously, you’re going to need some form of protection for your hands, and that’s where Furygan gloves come into play. When Furygan was founded in 1969, they focused on designing motorcycle gloves with ergonomics and safety in mind. Furygan motorcycle gloves come with added padding to reduce vibrations in your hands as well as extra armor around the joints to lower the risk of broken fingers in the event of an accident.

Furygan Boots

Don’t underestimate the need to protect your feet while riding as well. Studies have shown that 30% of injuries sustained while riding are to the driver’s feet and legs. Often in a motorcycle slide, your foot/ankle is going to be the first thing to hit the pavement. Furygan boots offer reinforced heel and toe areas as well as extra D30 padding around the ankles to help your feet withstand a sudden impact.

Furygan Trousers

It’s common to just assume that a sturdy pair of jeans will provide enough protection while riding, but there are some subtle differences between jeans and actual motorcycle pants. For example, most motorcycle trousers are designed to be a second layer of clothing with additional padding around the vulnerable knee and hip areas. The wide variety of Furygan trousers available will keep you protected while still fitting your style. Whether you’re looking for standard pair of riding pants or want something that’ll look more like casual jeans, like the Furygan jean 01, there’s a pair of Furygan trousers out there that is right for you.

If you’ve followed our blog in the past, you know that we like to keep up with some of the new industry trends but also have a solid focus on motorcycle safety. We’re proud to be distributors of some of the best motorcycle safety apparel with our selection of Furygan clothing. Now’s the time to be proactive about your riding safety and Moto Z can help. Check out our selection of products online or stop in to see what we have available in-store today!