Too Concerning to Ignore


The truth is, snowmobiling across NYS was particularly perilous this past season, the statistics cannot be ignored. Rider awareness and advancements in safety technology need to continue, hopefully reverting us back to a trend that was headed in the right direction.

Since 2000, both accidents and fatalities had been trending downwards across NYS thanks to the efforts of the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP), NYS Police, and Snowmobile Clubs across the State. Referenced from the “NYS OPRHP Snowmobile Unit Season Report 2016-2017”, there were 171 reported accidents across NYS. The foundation for reports is defined as follows,

“The operator of any snowmobile involved in any accident resulting in personal injuries or death of any person, or in which property damage in the estimated amount of one thousand ($1,000) dollars or more is sustained, must report such accident to both an appropriate law enforcement agency and OPRHP.”

This statistic supported a declining trend of accidents across NYS since 2000, however at 24 fatalities, the 2016-2017 season marked the third most number of fatalities during that same period. Of the 24 fatalities reported in NYS last season, 6 of them reported the primary cause as “submersion” with an additional 4 being reported as occurring on a “Frozen Body of Water.”

With over 40% of fatalities occurring on bodies of water, riders need to make themselves more aware of the conditions and surroundings, along with outfitting themselves should the worst case become a reality. While there are times we knowingly travel above bodies of water; it’s important to remember creeks, ponds, and large ditches present dangers during normal riding conditions.

Recognizing the issues not just in NYS, but across the snowmobile community, several years ago clothing manufacturer FXR exclusively introduced its Flotation Assistance Safety Technology (F.A.S.T) features to their snowmobile line of clothing. In layman’s terms, F.A.S.T. is a polyethylene foam membrane providing wet or dry insulation benefits along with the ability to provide buoyancy for up to two hours! Equally important, once the rider can regain composure and begin exit of the water, the system is designed to quickly evacuate water which aids in the effort required to pull back up on to the ice or shore. With many styles of jackets and pants available with F.A.S.T. incorporated, there is sure to be an option to fit your specific needs.

The crew at Moto Z take safety, technology, and quality into consideration with every product they offer. Safety will inevitably always be on the shoulders of riders, but even the most responsible of riders need to respect and prepare for anything that can happen while enjoying the outdoors. With a fully stocked selection of FXR Gear that includes jackets, pants/bibs, helmets, boots, gloves, and casual apparel; let Moto Z prepare you to hit the trails this year in style and safely.