It's Going to Be a Long Winter | Keep Your Bike Protected


If you've been outside anytime lately, you might have some frost on your eyebrows. This winter has gotten cold, and gotten cold quick. These frigid temperatures are a bitter reminder to make sure you winterize your motorcycle to ensure that when it is time to ride, you won't run into any hiccups. There's nothing worse than getting ready for that first ride in the summertime, and realizing you already need work done. If you or someone you know want to store your bike in our heated facility, please don't hesitate to call. We provide winter bike storage, and as long as you aren't too far away, we'll even come pick up your bike. If you are going to store the bike yourself, keep these tips in mind.

Fill'er Up

Once you add some fresh fuel, add fuel stabilizer to keep gas from leaving a layer of muck on your carburetor. Let it run for a few minutes to allow the treated fuel to cycle through. Check all other fluids to ensure the brake, clutch, and coolant fluids are fresh and full. If you have any questions about the best type and amount of fluid to use for your bike, give us a call. Alternatively, you could empty all the bike's fluids entirely, and refill them next riding season. Lube up the throttle, clutch cables, shifter, kickstand, and anything else that moves to minimize wear and tear.

Change the Oil

Your bike's engine will change clean, golden oil into dirty, black muck over time. When old oil runs through the bike, it can do some serious damage, especially over the winter. Make sure you change your oil and filter plug before storage to avoid damage over winter.

Check the Battery

If the battery is on it's way out, probably a good idea to just replace it in the spring. Or, you can store the bike with a fully-charged battery, and spot charge it every month or so while it's not being used.

Find a Good Spot

You're going to want to find a dark place to store your baby. Sunlight can cause the paint to fade and damage leather, so if there are windows in the place, keep it covered or in a dim corner. You can find a nice breathable, fitted cover to prevent any dings and scratches, as well as dust and grime.

The best part of thinking about winter storage, is you don't even need to think about it. Why? Because we can do it all for you! Jeff can do a full checkup on everything you might need, and we have a storage space that can protect your bike. There's really no sense in going through all the trouble yourself because you won't find another shop in WNY that will come pick up your bike, perform any maintenance, and store your bike in a safe place. Give us a call if you have any questions!