Posts tagged galfer wave rotors
The Best of Motorcycle Accessories From Moto Z

Winter isn’t usually a fun time for motorcycle enthusiasts around Buffalo, NY. The only thing we can really do is work on our bikes so that they’ll be ready to go when the snow melts. If you’re looking for an upgrade, Moto Z has a selection of top of the line motorcycle accessories that are sure to improve your bike’s performance this year. Here are 5 types of motorcycle gear from some leading manufacturers in the industry that you can get right now from Moto Z.

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6 Reasons Galfer Wave Rotors are Better For Your Bike

If you’ve followed our shop talk blog in the past, you know how seriously we consider rider safety. Keeping up with that trend, today we want to talk about choosing the safest brand of brake lines, pads, and rotors from our friends at Galfer USA. Here are a few reasons why casual and professional riders alike choose Galfer rotors over anything else.

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